A welcome from the President ~ Laura Bava
Carissimi colleghi e membri della WAATI,
It is my honour to serve as the WAATI President for 2020 and 2021, and I hope you will feel free to reach out to me and the WAATI Executive and Committee during this time with any of your thoughts about WAATI.
During these two years I hope to work closely with the WAATI Executive and Committee to continue the work done by the previous WAATI President Prof. Eliza Knapman and the WAATI Committee to continue to promote the Italian Language and to support our members and students of Italian in WA and Australia.
WAATI will continue to respond to the challenges that our field faces and will work closely with AFMLTA, MLTAWA, Italian Consulate (Perth), SCSA, Intercultura Italy, Italian Universities, WA Universities, WA Primary and Secondary schools, WA Students of Italian and our precious WAATI Members.
WAATI will continue working on important programs that have made WAATI unique such as:
– WAATI Exchange Program – Prof. Fulvia Valvassori (Coordinator).
– WAATI Assistenti Linguistici Program – Prof. Laura Bava (Coordinator)
– WAATI Corsi di Aggiornamento
– WAATI Italian Primary School Competition
– WAATI Exams
– WAATI Convegno Biennale (2021)
– WAATI Professional Learning
I will continue to work with the WAATI Executive and to make WAATI the kind of organization that will bring in new members and will continue to encourage, support and reassure existing members.
Last modified: April 27, 2016