Il WAATI Principal’s Award è stato voluto fortemente da me e si è potuto realizzare grazie all’appoggio del comitato della WAATI.
Io sono convinta che sia importante riconoscere e promuovere il duro lavoro di presidi che valorizzano e capiscono come sia importante e vitale l’insegnamento della lingua italiana nelle classi del WA. Io sono dell’idea che questo premio costituisce la linfa che darà energia nella speranza di un futuro che favorisce un percorso di cambiamento e di progresso nell’insegnamento dell’italiano nelle classi del WA.
Questa mattina ho l’onore di premiare, come presidente della WAATI, Mr Art Lombardi preside della scuola di St Columbus, Bayswater.
Mr Lombardi si è distinto nel suo ruolo di leader che supporta ed agevola l’insegnamento dell’Italiano non solo nelle classi della sua scuola, ma anche in altre.
Mr Lombardi promuove il concetto di come sia importante e vitale per un preside incoraggiare e inserire l’insegnamento della lingua italiana come materia di studio nelle scuole primarie e secondarie del WA.
Mr Lombardi wrote to me:
‘When reflecting on the Italian language program at St Columba’s School in Bayswater, I straight up think about how it is all about connection and passion. It is what Italian or studying any language has at its heart. When engaging in a language, you are drawn to everything about its culture, its people. The language, and being able to speak, write it, is what brings connection and relationship. This is what all cultures yearn for’.
…. From Mr Lombardi Italian teacher:
Art is an awesome principal who actively promotes and highlights Italian activities in the school to students, staff and the wider community. At the beginning of the year, he sourced quality Italian teachers who would assist him to create an awesome Italian program for St Columba’s. This was in response to parent requests for a quality Italian program so that
their children could continue their studies at feeder high schools.
Art is very receptive to new ideas and whole community collaborative events. His responses have mainly been ‘let’s make it happen’, which is music to any teacher’s ears. Recent suggestions for an Italian assembly or Italian day have made his eyes light up. The support is amazing, and he always has time to listen, which shows how much he values his staff and the Italian program.
Art says all the time:
“No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care”
Mr Lombardi wrote to me:
“Passionate teachers, who genuinely care for what they do, will draw students, other staff and families into their world”.