La WAATI si congratula con
la Prof Anne Monisse per aver ricevuto il
PTCWA 2024
Outstanding Professional Service Award.
Felicitazioni Prof Monisse!!!! Ti meriti questo prestigioso premio e riconoscimento.
Bravissima cara Anne per tutto il lavoro svolto nei tuoi anni di carriera come docente nelle classi d’ italiano e come membro della WAATI e del suo comitato.
Complimenti Anne per essere un insegnante molto brava, appassionata e carismatica e grazie ancora per tutto il supporto negli anni con noi della WAATI!!!

On the 21st of November 2022, our own Prof Fulvia Valvasori received the prestigious award “Ufficiale dell’ordine della Stella d’Italia” from the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, presented by the Italian Consul of Perth Nicolò Costantini.
During the ceremony Dott. Costantini read the official motivations for the conferral of the award. After Consul Costantini bestowed the prestigious insigna he invited Prof Valvasori to say a few words of thanksgiving. Fulvia was thrilled to be joined by her husband, 3 children, best friend and WAATI representative ex-President Laura Bava.
Cara Fulvia, Congratulazioni & Complimenti from WAATI for this well deserved award, your hard work and continuous love to teach Italian and promote Italian culture in WA has being recognised.
Congratulazioni a Laura Bava- Recipient of the PTCWA Award 2021
Congratulations to Maria Lo Presti who has been awarded the 2021 Patji-Dawes Award in the Individual category for her dedication to language education and Italian teaching. Maria has made a tremendous impact to Language teaching over her 30+ years and was deservedly nominated by her colleagues and previous students. You can read more about Maria’s award and amazing contribution to teaching here.
WAATI members are frequently recognised by other language associations, such as MLTAWA, PCTWA and the AFMLTA.
The 2019 recipient of the PCTWA Award was Maria LoPresti.

Fulvia Valvasori ~ 2015 ~ AFMLTA Certificate of Merit in recognition of their dedicated and professional service to the AFMLTA and their local MLTA over an extended period.
Life membership to MLTWA to Fulvia Valvasori
Congratulations to Fulvia Valvasori on receiving an honorary life membership to MLTWA as she stepped down from her role as President. Well deserved.
MLTAWA Hilde Dixon Awardees and Finalists
2015 ~ Bianca Petale
2014 ~ Esther Blood
2008 ~ Angela Signorile
2006 ~ Fulvia Valvasori
Professional Teaching Council of Western Australia (PTCWA) Awardees
The 2018 recipient of the PCTWA Award was Paula O’Donnell

Esther Blood ~ 2017 ~ Awarded a Professional Teaching Council of Western Australia for Outstanding Professional Service.
The 2016 recipient of the PCTWA Award was Nadia Civia
2015 Lynne Rockliff
2013 Bianca Petale
2013 Nadia Civa (for MLTAWA)
2012 Fulvia Valvasori (for MLTAWA)
20122 Nathan Harvey (for MLTAWA)
2010 Lina Andrews
2008 Angela Signorile
2007 Fulvia Valvasori
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