The Western Australian Association of Teachers of Italian Inc. (WAATI) is the professional body for teachers of Italian in this state. We provide a common voice for language educators in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions from all systems and sectors in Western Australia on state and national issues and a vehicle for professional learning and networking.

WAATI is a non-profit organisation, directly affiliated with the Modern Languages Teachers Association of Western Australia Inc. (MLTAWA), the peak professional body representing teachers of Languages throughout the state, and hence with the Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations Inc. (AFMLTA).

Objectives WAATI aims to:

1. Promote and further the study and teaching of the Italian language and culture in schools at all levels, universities and other institutions of learning, both as the language and culture of Italy and as one of the community languages and cultures of Australia;

2. Encourage cultural exchange among all nations and in particular between Australia and Italy;

3. Uphold, protect and represent the professional interests of members, through the provision of professional learning and networking opportunities, the circulation of information on professional matters, representation on affiliated committees and provision of programs to assist teachers and encourage students; and

4. Support, and affiliate with, other organisations with similar objectives.

Last modified: October 24, 2024

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